Your App ID

This article answers common questions about App IDs and API requests. For more detailed information, please view our  Documentation.

What is an App ID?

An Open Exchange Rates App ID is a hexadecimal token that you and your team will use to request data from our API.

Where can I find my App ID?

We'll email you with your App ID when you register, and you can find it anytime via your  Account Dashboard.

What happens if I go over my allowance?

If you exceed your API request allowance in a given period, we'll get in touch via email to discuss ways we can keep supporting you.

You may choose to lower your usage or subscribe to a plan with a higher monthly request volume. Your app ID and any connected integrations will remain active (we won't restrict access without attempting to make contact several times first). 

If we don't hear back from you after reaching out several times (or if your usage volume stays over the quota for two months or more) we may then restrict your access. You can restore your access by  contacting us.

Can I have multiple users/App IDs?

If you need multiple App IDs or users for your Open Exchange Rates account, please  contact us.

Will you ever change my App ID?

The app ID (access token) for your account is unique and doesn't change when you upgrade/downgrade or transfer ownership of your account unless you ask us to regenerate it for you. 

If you request a change, we’ll generate and email you a new app ID immediately.

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